26 - 28 April 2019, Cape Town
![]() The SAJE Jazz Festival is a biennial event focusing on jazz education, workshops, performance, discussion, skills development and audience development. It offers a unique forum for musicians, academics, educators, students and learners, jazz fans, and those in the media and arts, to engage with the latest sounds and ideas in jazz - especially South African jazz. Along with workshops and performances there are opportunities for discussion, information exchange, and networking.
SPONSORS: The 6th SAJE Jazz Festival and some artists have received funding support from the SAMRO Foundation, Business and Arts South Africa (BASA), the Italian Institute for Culture (IIC), Concerts SA and Pro Helvetia VENUES: Reeler Theatre, Rondebosch Boys High School, Canigou Avenue, Rondebosch Guga S'Thebe Theatre, Washington Avenue, Langa |
Friday 26 April Jazz for Curious Minds Concert at 8.00pm featuring McCoy Mrubata/ Paul Hanmer Duo Emanuele Cisi Quartet Tickets available from QUICKET or cash at the door R120 and R80 students/pensioners Ticket link www.quicket.co.za |
Saturday 27 April FREEDOM DAY WORKSHOPS Bring your instrument! R100 for the day or R20 per workshop payable at the door 9.00m - 10.00am Drum workshop by Lumanyano Unity Mzi 10.00am - 11.00am Saxophone workshop Emanuele Cisi (Italy) 11.00am - 12.00pm "The Business of Music" Presented by members of The Unity Band 12.00pm - 1.00pm "Celebrating 30 years of jazz and friendship" McCoy Mrubata and Paul Hanmer interviewed by Nigel Vermaas 1.00pm - 2.00pm: CONCERT THE UNITY BAND 2.00pm - 3.00pm Piano/SA Jazz workshop with Afrika Mkhize 3.00pm - 4.00pm Saxophone/SA Jazz workshop with Salim Washington ----------------------------------------------- South African Jazz Concert at 8.00pm featuring Darius Brubeck/Mike Rossi Duo Afrika Mkize/Salim Washington Quartet Tickets available from QUICKET or cash at the door R120 and R80 students/pensioners Ticket link: www.quicket.co.za April is
Sunday 28 April INTERNATIONAL JAZZ DAY celebration presented by SAJE and Jazz in the Native Yards Concert at 3.00pm featuring Florence Chitacumbi and Mino Cinelu Afrika Mkize/Salim Washington Quartet VENUE: Guga S'Thebe Washington Street, Langa Tickets available from QUICKET or at the door R150 and R90 students/pensioners Ticket link: www.quicket.co.za |